Sardonyx tumbled

Sardonyx tumbled

Regular price $3.00 Sale

"Sardonyx is a stone of strength and protection. It invokes the search for a meaningful existence and promotes integrity and virtuous conduct. 

Bringing lasting happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships, Sardonyx attracts friends and good fortune. It can be gridded around the house and garden to prevent crime. (A stone can be placed at each corner, and at doors and windows, but it is more effective to dowse for exactly the right place.)

Sardonyx supplements willpower and strengthens character. It increases stamina, vigor, and self-control. This stone improves perception and aids the process of osmosis and processing of information."

-Judy Hall's Crystal Bible

Price is per stone. Made by the earth, so each piece is different.

Zodiac Sign: Aries 

Planet: Mars