White Howlite sphere

Regular price $27.00 Sale

"Howlite is an extremely calming stone. 

Howlite links into the spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind to receive wisdom and insights. It assists journeys out of the body and accessing past lives. Focusing your sight into a piece of Howlite can transport you to another time or dimension. Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of other lives, including those in the 'between-life' state and the spiritual dimensions.

Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material, and aids in achieving them.

Howlite teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. A piece placed in the pocket absorbs your own anger and any that is directed toward you. It also helps to overcome a tendency to criticalness and selfishness, strengthening positive character traits.

Howlite stills the mind and is excellent for sleep or meditation. It allows for calm and reasoned communication to take place. This stone strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge.

Howlite can calm turbulent emotions, especially those that have past-life causes. It releases the strings that tie old emotions to present-life triggers."

-Judy Hall's Crystal Bible

Price is per stone. Made by the earth, so each piece is different.

2" round sphere

Zodiac Sign: Gemini