Fuchsite in Quartz palmstone

Fuchsite in Quartz palmstone

Regular price $13.00 Sale

"Fuchsite accesses knowledge with great practical value. It can channel information regarding herbal treatment and holistic remedies. It suggests the most holistic action to take and receives guidance on well-being. Fucshite helps you to understand your interaction with other people and relates to basic concerns about life.

Fuchsite deals with issues of servitude from past or present lives. It reverses a tendency toward martyrdom. It is excellent for those who instantly fall into savior or rescuer mode, whether it be to save one person or a group, and who then quickly become victims. It shows how to be of service without becoming embroiled in power struggles.

Fuchsite shows you how to do only what is appropriate and necessary for someone else's soul growth and assists you to stand by placidly while they learn their own lessons. It combines unconditional love with the tough love that says 'no more.' It is useful for combating a situation in which you appear to be 'helping' and yet are actually gaining great psychological satisfaction from keeping the other person dependent. Fuchsite releases both souls to their own unique pathway.

It imparts resilience after trauma or emotional tension.

Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. 

This crystal raises energy to the highest possible level. Containing every color possible, Clear Quartz works on all levels of being. Storing information like a natural computer, these crystals are a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions.


-Judy Hall's Crystal Bible

Price is per stone. Made by the earth, so each piece is different.