Elemental Values Oracle Deck

Elemental Values Oracle Deck

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Explore your personal values using the Five Elements of Feng Shui. Be inspired to take action toward living a life of fulfillment.

The inspiration for this deck came from playing around with my own values. What I learned is that values are meant to be lived, experienced, chosen. Otherwise, they’re really just words, and hot air. There have been studies showing that just knowing your values isn’t enough to bring greater satisfaction to your life. It’s in the ACTIONS you take toward living your values that fulfillment starts to happen. When you start your day thinking about what you value, everything changes!  Especially how you spend your time (or don’t), the choices you make, the actions you take. It’s empowering—and sometimes revolutionary—to make choices based on what YOU actually value, and that’s why I created this deck. Tarot, Oracle, and many other kinds of decks have inspired, guided, and supported me throughout my life. Now, I hope to do the same for you, with the Elemental Values Card Deck!

The Elemental Values deck is an invitation to explore and take steps toward choosing your own values. This is an amazing tool for uncovering, connecting with, and taking action on your personal values. When you live a life inspired by your values, your live a fulfilling life—in alignment with who you truly are.