Leo Kit
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Leo: July 23-August 22
What’s in the kit:
✩1 oz Leo Mist
✩1/2 oz Leo Essence
✩Tumbled Citrine
✩Tumbled Tiger’s Eye
✩Ames Farm beeswax votive
✩Incense matches
How to use it all:
You can use the mist and essence whenever you need to align with your sign, or are feeling you need some balance. A few ways to use this kit: Print out your chart, and place the candle in the middle, and the crystals on your Sun + Moon, charge your crystals on your altar when the Sun or Moon are in your sign and carry them with you, or if you pay attention to the planetary transits affecting your chart, you can use this kit on astrologically significant days in spellwork or intention setting. Or any other way that’s calling to you!
Leo Mist: Use this mist to enhance the aspects of Leo or attract its qualities--drama, personal magnetism, individuality, hedonism, dignity, romantic, loyalty, self-awareness.
Contains: Essential oils of Frankincense, Rose, Orange, Bay, Basil, Neroli and Benzoin, Essence of Sunflower and Tiger’s Eye in Buhl water.
Frankincense is instrumental for astral, dream, and psychic work, and divination and reaching higher levels of awareness. It helps to focus energy and enhance concentration for magic work. It’s instrumental for clairvoyance and communication with spirits. It’s effective for banishing negativity, providing psychic protection. It brings clarity, courage, release and success, and attracts love and happiness. It’s associated with balance, comfort, control, renewal and transformation.
Rose attracts love, heightens desire and passion, and increases fertility and fidelity. It's a powerful aid for divination and encouraging prophetic dreams. It's associated with confidence, courage, creativity, power, self, and strength.
Orange aids in self-awareness, stimulates creativity, and supports those who follow a different drummer. It redirects energy into positive thinking and emotional clarity to build confidence and a sense of well-being. It is helpful to manifest love and peace.
Bay aids in prophetic dreaming, divination and clairvoyance. It increases psychic powers and its purification properties provide protection during this work. It supports courage and determination.
Basil aids divination skills and is instrumental in developing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance. It brings clarity for decision-making and determining one's purpose in life. It bolsters courage for defense and success. It engenders a sense of happiness, confidence, and strength.
Neroli is instrumental in attracting love. It's association with sexuality works to cultivate one's unique beauty and build confidence. It aids in expressing inner truths and opens the door to psychic awareness as well as other realms. It's associated with creativity, fertility, strength and well-being.
Benzoin is a powerful ally for magic. It can increase the rate of success for spells, and is great for attracting money, comfort and success as well as for protection. It is effective for clearing negativity to make way for prosperity. It awakens the mind for inspiration and reaching higher levels of consciousness.
Sunflower essence addresses authority issues in addition to helping strengthen the link with your higher self, so you are guided to act in accordance with your full potential. It strengthens your sense of being and individuality in the world, and it supports expression of your power and inner identity. It is empowering and integrates the individuality and identity with sense of authority. It helps with a more balanced expression of your energy and power. It allows you to exude your inner being with radiance.
Tiger's Eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to earth. It enhances psychic abilities and is a protective stone.
Buhl water is the finest water on the Iron Range, which is in northern Minnesota, on unceded Anishinaabe (Ojibwa) land. It comes from a glacial aquifer located 700 feet deep, encased in 300 feet of solid granite. It is bacteriologically free (the water isn't treated) and contains no chlorination. It has never been contaminated by any of the 42 human-made elements, such as insecticides, pesticides and herbicides.
Leo Essence: An essence that captures and supports Leo vibes. Take this essence when you want to balance and support the qualities of Leo--drama, personal magnetism, individuality, hedonism, dignity, romantic, loyalty, self-awareness.
To use: Take 3-8 drops up to 3x a day or as needed. Can be used on your body, bath, on a candle or pillow when the moon or sun is in this sign, or whenever you want to balance out this sign’s energy.
Contains: Essences of Lily of the Valley, Wild Iris, Banana, Sunflower, Gold, Vervain and Vine in Buhl water, slivovitz and brandy with MN honey.
Lily of the valley essence restores your inner child and reconnects you with your inner radiance and vitality. Its energy opens the heart to a state of simplicity and innocence, so that you do not look outside of yourself for love or approval. It establishes a position of freedom, where you are encouraged to be yourself without placing any expectations on others.
Wild iris essence assists in manifesting creative potential and boosts imagination by permitting you to tap into a universal source of inspiration. It teaches you to trust in your own capabilities, so you are motivated to bring forth your potential and let your imagination and creativity flow. It also tackles any blocks or hesitations in sharing your creativity with others.
Banana essence embodies qualities of gentleness alongside strength. It replaces pride or an over-opinionated manner with quiet calm detachment. It changes self-focus, arrogance, and the need to always be right with qualities of modesty, humility, objectivity and dignity.
Sunflower essence addresses authority issues in addition to helping strengthen the link with your higher self, so you are guided to act in accordance with your full potential. It strengthens your sense of being and individuality in the world, and it supports expression of your power and inner identity. It is empowering and integrates the individuality and identity with sense of authority. It helps with a more balanced expression of your energy and power. It allows you to exude your inner being with radiance.
Gold gem essence is a great balancer and instils self-esteem, a strong sense of identity, and increases the ability to tap into creative powers.
Vervain essence helps master self-discipline and restraint. It gently enables Leos to permits others their own opinions without feeling threatened. It enables you to see things from a wider perspective and to be more openminded. It accentuates warmth, inspires, and helps you to give positive encouragement to others.
Vine essence stimulates any natural leadership abilities, helping Leos become wise and understanding leaders. It guides you to respectfully direct and manage what serves the best interests of others. It helps management skills flourish positively and without arrogance. It integrates strength and wisdom together with authority, bringing a consciousness of wise leadership. It helps you to support others and to help them find their way without using superiority or power to deal with them.
Slivovitz: A pure, natural brandy made by special fermentation and distillation of the finest ripe blue plums grown in Croatia.
Citrine carries the power of the sun (Leo’s ruler), and is warming, energizing + creative. It absorbs + dissipates negative energy. It’s a stone of abundance--it teaches how to manifest + attracts wealth + prosperity, success + all good things! It encourages sharing and raises self-esteem + self-confidence.
Tiger’s Eye helps you differentiate between what you want and what you need and supports your integrity. It helps in promoting your talents and unblocking your creativity.
Votive candle: This natural beeswax candle burns brighter and cleaner than soy or paraffin. Beeswax emits negative ions when burned and these bond with positively charged ions of dirt, soot, and other airborne particulates—the effect is to act as a natural air cleaner. This beeswax candle will burn toxin free for 18 hours and fits most standard votive holders. This candle is intended for use only in a votive holder and is not to be burned as a free standing candle. Made in Watertown, MN.