Cancer Kit
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Cancer: June 21-July 22
What’s in the kit:
✩1 oz Cancer Mist
✩1/2 oz Cancer Essence
✩Tumbled Moonstone
✩Tumbled Unakite
✩Ames Farm beeswax votive
✩Incense matches
How to use it all:
You can use the mist and essence whenever you need to align with your sign, or are feeling you need some balance. A few ways to use this kit: Print out your chart, and place the candle in the middle, and the crystals on your Sun + Moon, charge your crystals on your altar when the Sun or Moon are in your sign and carry them with you, or if you pay attention to the planetary transits affecting your chart, you can use this kit on astrologically significant days in spellwork or intention setting. Or any other way that’s calling to you!
Cancer Mist: Use this mist to enhance the aspects of Cancer or attract its qualities--humor, success in business, entrepreneurship, creativity, protectiveness, emotional.
Contains essential oils of Pine, Chamomile, Hyssop + Yarrow + Essence of Honeysuckle + Rose Quartz in Buhl water.
Pine is well known for purification, which works for releasing negative energy. It is also well known for its association with cycles, beginnings, fertility and renewal. It's associated with friendship, desires, longevity, truth and well-being.
Chamomile is well known for emotional and physical healing. It brings clarity and success in communication. It stimulates creativity, intuition, and helps manifest desires. It's associated with abundance, control, fertility and sexuality.
Hyssop clears away negative energy and supports psychic work and helps to develop divination skills. It engenders clarity of mind for finding one's purpose. It's instrumental in manifesting change, enhances creativity, and inspires personal growth. It's also associated with fertility, hope, sexuality and vitality.
Yarrow provides psychic and spiritual protection and provides the confidence to tackle big problems as well as spiritual issues. It is associated with abundance, beauty, beginnings, changes, fertility and luck.
Honeysuckle essence is for people that hold on to the past, regret missed opportunities, or believe that life was better in the past. It shifts the past into place and encourages embracing the present. It heals homesickness by dealing with the melancholy and longing for something that isn't available by regenerating interest in what is available now.
Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It's the most important crystal for the heart and heart chakra. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trauma or crisis.
Buhl water is the finest water on the Iron Range, which is in northern Minnesota, on unceded Anishinaabe (Ojibwa) land. It comes from a glacial aquifer located 700 feet deep, encased in 300 feet of solid granite. It is bacteriologically free (the water isn't treated) and contains no chlorination. It has never been contaminated by any of the 42 human-made elements, such as insecticides, pesticides and herbicides.
Cancer Essence: An essence that captures and supports Cancer vibes. Take this essence when you want to balance and support the qualities of Cancer--humor, success in business, entrepreneurship, creativity, protectiveness, emotional.
To use: Take 3-8 drops up to 3x a day or as needed. Can be used on your body, bath, on a candle or pillow when the moon or sun is in this sign, or whenever you want to balance out this sign’s energy.
Contains: Essences of Clematis, Grape, Pink Yarrow, Raspberry, Honeysuckle, Moonstone and Aspen in Buhl water, slivovitz and brandy with MN honey.
Clematis essence addresses inattention, indifference and confused states, helping to bring the unrealistic or idealistic Cancer back into reality. It helps utilize imagination realistically and enables you to ground your vision and make it workable. It enables you to live more in the present and easily handle any unpleasant situations that may arise without escaping into a fantasy world.
Grape essence focuses on love, healing any neediness or feeilngs of abandonment in relationships. It helps you to feel nurtured and free to love and experience relationships without clinginess, expectations or demands.
Pink Yarrow essence helps create healthy boundaries. This helps Cancerians who are aware of and vulnerable to other people. It provides objectivity and detachment for those who easily fuse with others and take on their feelings and moods. It helps to become more balanced and self-contained and helps create limits.
Raspberry essence is known as the Healer's Healer. It is suitable for the Cancerian who is so often the healer and nurturer of others. It increases wisdom and understanding, and enhances the ability to let things go and release past hurts. It helps transform harmful or negative emotions by instilling wisdom and developing understanding. It helps to reduce overreaction so that you no longer blame others but take responsibility for your feelings and responses.
Honeysuckle essence is for people that hold on to the past, regret missed opportunities, or believe that life was better in the past. It shifts the past into place and encourages embracing the present. It heals homesickness by dealing with the melancholy and longing for something that isn't available by regenerating interest in what is available now.
Moonstone gem essence works with anxious emotions. It lessens identification with the emotional state and brings some control over emotions. Its balancing and soothing properties help to bring suppressed emotions safely to the surface to be resolved rather than unconsciously expressed.
Aspen essence invites in courage and supports a strong heart. it helps one be fearless in the face of the unknown.
Slivovitz: A pure, natural brandy made by special fermentation and distillation of the finest ripe blue plums grown in Croatia.
Moonstone: Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It assists you in harnessing your intuition and apply it practically. It enhances your psychic gifts and encourages acceptance of them. It helps in developing clairvoyance and clairaudience. It encourages lucid dreaming and makes the unconscious conscious. It helps keep you emotionally balanced and reminds you that everything is part of a cycle. It calms the emotions and promotes intuition + empathy, and calms overreactions to situations and to emotional triggers. It soothes emotional instability + stress + stabilizes the emotions + improves emotional intelligence.
Unakite: A stone of vision, it balances emotions with spirituality. Place it on your third eye to open it and promote visualization and psychic vision.It promotes grounding and is helpful after psychic work.
Votive candle: This natural beeswax candle burns brighter and cleaner than soy or paraffin. Beeswax emits negative ions when burned and these bond with positively charged ions of dirt, soot, and other airborne particulates—the effect is to act as a natural air cleaner. This beeswax candle will burn toxin free for 18 hours and fits most standard votive holders. This candle is intended for use only in a votive holder and is not to be burned as a free standing candle. Made in Watertown, MN.