Future resident-Raechel Anne Jolie

Raechel Anne Jolie is an educator, writer, activist, and a queer femme working-class witch. She holds a PhD in Media Studies with a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies from the University of Minnesota, and her writing has been published in numerous academic and popular press outlets. Her work focuses on social movements, prison abolition, media, liberation magic, and more. She is also the co-host and co-producer of the Feminist Killjoys, PhD podcast. Raechel lives in Minneapolis, reads tarot, and spoils her perfect black boycat.

Website: www.raechelannejolie.com

Instagram: @rebelgrrlraechel

Twitter: @reblgrrlraechel

podcast: www.fkjphd.com // @fkj_phd


February 28: Prison Arcana Reading

Join Raechel Anne Jolie, the editor of The Prison Arcana Tarot Zine, to discuss the story behind C.L. Young's interpretation of the Major Arcana cards. Young wrote the contents of the zine while incarcerated in Kentucky, where he is serving a thirty-five year prison sentence. The zine offers Young's perspective on the cards as a queer, Black, pagan who has spent the majority of his adult life behind bars. In addition, the zine speaks to the connection between prison abolition and magic. Raechel will also share information on how you can get involved with prison activist work, including how to get connected with an incarcerated pen-pal (which is how she first got connected with Young). This event is perfect for anyone interested in prison abolition/reform and thinking about how tarot can be a tool in the struggle for dignity and liberation for all people.