Amal Rogers grew up in the swampy suburbs of south Florida where the juxtaposition of the Disney-like built environment and the ever-advancing natural environment instilled in her a recurring sense of chaos and absurdity. She earned degrees from Mills College in Oakland, California and the New College of Florida in… Florida. In Minneapolis, Amal experiments with dance performance. She also teaches dance in public spaces with the Cowles Center, works as part time rehearsal director with the Somali Museum Dance Troupe, and provides bodywork with the People’s Movement Center. She has presented performance in Minneapolis, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Helsinki, and Sarasota. On the internet she edits work for the publication Art For Ourselves. She is expecting her first baby around the new year and will share this residency with her.
Instagram: @amalamalamal_
Photo credit: Pat Berrett
July 11: An Afternoon for Artist Parents + Small Show
Join Future artist in residence Amal Rogers for an afternoon for parents and a small show!
a small show for a limited audience
I will try to show you a dance but i may need to stop to take care of my baby.